About Tommy Robinson.Org

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1450999019337{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”]About Tommy Robinson.Org
Tommy Robinson.Org was created in January 2006 as a resource for family and friends of Tommy to provide daily updates on his medical condition. Tommy was an 8th grade student at Stratford Academy who passed away on March 10, 2006. Beginning at the end of January, he suddenly became overtaken with a severe case of pneumonia, where he briefly stayed in Macon’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit before he was transported by helicopter to Atlanta’s Children Hospital of Egleston. In Atlanta, Tommy was placed on a heart and lung machine for seven weeks where every day was a constant struggle versus time and the virus that attacked his lungs. None of the doctors had seen anything similar to Tommy’s case before. Even the worldwide coalition of doctors from Michigan to Florida to England could not formulate a viable solution. Back in Macon, schools and churches held several blood drives in association with the American Red Cross to restock the area’s blood supply in Tommy’s honor. His condition fluctuated daily, until the dreary afternoon of March 10, 2006 when Tommy’s condition took a turn for the worst. TommyRobinson.Org allowed individuals and organizations to follow up on his health. Since its creation, it has logged over 22,000 hits, 1,200 guest book entries, and 200 e-mails to the Robinson family expressing get well and sympathy wishes.

Brief Biography of Tommy Robinson
Born in 1991, Tommy has attended Stratford Academy all of his life. As a fun loving child, he could always be seen trying to improve the lives of everyone around him. Tommy could always have been seen holding the door for those behind him, lending a hand to the elderly, or just making his classmates laugh. Along with his effervescent personality, he had a fond desire of reading and learning. When Tommy took a standardized test in the seventh grade, the critical reading results placed him at a college freshman’s level and ability. This was not surprising, because along with a smile and a laugh, Tommy carried a several hundred-page book with him wherever he went. And just as any good book must come to an end eventually, the remarkable story of Tommy’s life came to an end early at the young, sincere age of fourteen with God’s hands.


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